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right to land

См. также в других словарях:

  • right to land disposal — disponavimas žeme statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės tvarkymas ir žemės reforma apibrėžtis Teisė žemės sklypą perleisti kitiems asmenims, taip pat teisė perleisti kitiems asmenims dalį savo daiktinių teisių. atitikmenys: angl. right to land… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • land — n 1: an area of the earth usu. inclusive of improvements, bodies of water, and natural or man made objects and extending indefinitely upward and downward compare air right 2: an estate, interest, or right in land land means both surface and… …   Law dictionary

  • Right of abode in Hong Kong — Demographics and Culture of Hong Kong Demographics …   Wikipedia

  • right of way — 1: an easement or servitude over another s land conferring a right of passage 2 a: the area over which a right of way exists b: the strip of land over which is built a public road c: the land occupied by a railroad esp. for its main line d: the… …   Law dictionary

  • Land and Property Laws in Israel — refers to the legal framework governing land and property issues in Israel. Following its establishment, Israel designed a system of law that legitimized both a continuation and a consolidation of the nationalisation of land and property, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Land reform — Land reforms (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) is an often controversial alteration in the societal arrangements whereby government administers possession and use of land. Land reform may consist of a government… …   Wikipedia

  • right — / rīt/ n [Old English riht, from riht righteous] 1 a: qualities (as adherence to duty or obedience to lawful authority) that together constitute the ideal of moral propriety or merit moral approval b: something that is morally just able to… …   Law dictionary

  • Land rights — are those property rights that pertain to real estate land.Because land is a limited resource and property rights include the right to exclude others, land rights are a form of monopoly. Those without land rights must enter into land use… …   Wikipedia

  • Land-Tenure in the Christian Era — • The way in which land has been held or owned during the nineteen hundred years which have seen in Europe the rise and establishment of the Church is a matter for historical inquiry. Strictly speaking, the way in which such ownership or tenure… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Land tenure — is the name given, particularly in common law systems, to the legal regime in which land is owned by an individual, who is said to hold the land (the French verb tenir means to hold ; tenant is the present participle of tenir ). The sovereign… …   Wikipedia

  • Land value tax — Land value taxation (LVT) (or site value taxation) is an ad valorem tax where only the value of land itself is taxed. This ignores buildings, improvements, and personal property. Because of this, LVT is different from other property taxes which… …   Wikipedia

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